Koepoe Koepoe Pasta Kopi Moka 25 ml


Enhance the flavor of your coffee with the Koepoe Koepoe Pasta Kopi Moka. This concentrated coffee paste adds a rich and robust taste to your baking goods.

Ketersediaan: Hanya 2 tersisa di stok

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  • Pengiriman Cepat - dalam 5 hari kerja
  • Produk asli Indonesia
  • Pengiriman gratis mulai €85,- di NL atau €5,- diskon pengiriman di UE


The Koepoe Koepoe Pasta Kopi Moka is a concentrated coffee paste that adds a rich and robust flavor to your baking goods. This 25 ml jar of coffee paste is perfect for enhancing the taste of your coffee-based desserts. Simply add a small amount of the paste to your coffee or dessert recipes for a bold and aromatic coffee flavor that will awaken your senses.

Informasi Tambahan

Berat45 gram

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Koepoe Koepoe Pasta Kopi Moka 25 ml Perlengkapan MemanggangKoepoe Koepoe Pasta Kopi Moka 25 ml

Ketersediaan: Hanya 2 tersisa di stok

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