Bogasari Tepung Terigu Kunci Biru 1 kg

(1 customer review)


Bogasari Tepung Terigu Kunci Biru 1 kg is a high-quality wheat flour perfect for making bread, pastries, cakes, and other baked goods.

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Bogasari Tepung Terigu Kunci Biru 1 kg is a high-quality wheat flour that is perfect for all your baking needs. This flour is made from carefully selected wheat grains, ensuring a consistent and superior quality. It has a fine texture, high protein content, and optimal gluten strength, making it ideal for making bread, pastries, cakes, and other baked goods. The Bogasari Tepung Terigu Kunci Biru 1 kg is known for its excellent performance, giving your baked goods a light and fluffy texture with a delicious aroma and taste. Whether you are a professional baker or a home cook, this flour will enhance your baking experience and help you create mouthwatering treats that will delight family and friends.

Additional information

Weight1030 g

Reviews (1)

1 review for Bogasari Tepung Terigu Kunci Biru 1 kg

  1. Lilian (verified owner)

    Ik gebruik deze heel vaak voor het maken van cakes, top.

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Bogasari Tepung Terigu Kunci Biru 1 kg Baking SuppliesBogasari Tepung Terigu Kunci Biru 1 kg

Availability: In stock

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