Fanni Kerupuk Bawang Putih 250 gr


Fanni Kerupuk Bawang Putih is a 250 gr pack of raw garlic-flavored crackers that are perfect for deep frying. Enjoy the rich and aromatic taste of garlic in these crispy and crunchy snacks.

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Fanni Kerupuk Bawang Putih is a popular Indonesian snack made from 100% raw garlic flavored crackers. Each pack contains 250 gr of crispy and crunchy crackers that are perfect for deep frying. These crackers are packed with the rich and aromatic taste of garlic, making them a delightful and flavorful snack for any occasion. Whether you want to enjoy them on their own or pair them with dips and sauces, Fanni Kerupuk Bawang Putih is a must try snack that will satisfy your cravings.

Additional information

Weight260 g

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Fanni Kerupuk Bawang Putih 250 gr Raw KrupukFanni Kerupuk Bawang Putih 250 gr

Availability: In stock

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