Luwak Kopi Murni Premium 50 gr


Luwak Kopi Murni Premium 65 gr is a high quality coffee made from the finest beans naturally processed by Asian palm civets, offering a rich and smooth taste with hints of chocolate and caramel.

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Luwak Kopi Murni Premium 65 gr is a high quality coffee made from the finest beans that have been naturally processed by the Asian palm civet. This unique process enhances the flavor and aroma of the coffee, resulting in a rich and smooth taste with hints of chocolate and caramel. Each package contains 50 grams of coffee, ensuring a fresh and satisfying brew every time. Indulge in the exquisite taste of Luwak Kopi Murni Premium and experience the luxury of a truly exceptional coffee.

Additional information

Weight80 g

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Luwak Kopi Murni Premium 50 gr DrinksLuwak Kopi Murni Premium 50 gr

Availability: In stock

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