Nesia Kerupuk Kentang Manis Pedas 200 gr

(1 customer review)


Nesia Kerupuk Kentang Manis Pedas is a sweet and spicy Indonesian krupuk made from potatoes. Fry in hot oil first, then. you can enjoy it as snack or with your favorite food.

Availability: Only 3 left in stock

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Nesia Kerupuk Kentang Manis Pedas is a delicious Indonesian snack made from potatoes that are seasoned with a sweet and spicy blend of spices. Nesia Kerupuk Kentang Manis Pedas is a sweet and spicy Indonesian kerupuk made from potatoes. Fry in hot oil first, then. you can enjoy it as snack or with your favorite food.. Each pack contains 200 gr of crunchy goodness.

Additional information

Weight210 g

Reviews (1)

1 review for Nesia Kerupuk Kentang Manis Pedas 200 gr

  1. Soffy Widjaja (verified owner)

    Snack kesukaaan saya dan suami. Saya kira bakalan kepedasan untuk lidah suami saya yg orang Belanda, tapi ternyata dia malah suka banget. Kerupuk ini enak banget, rasanya manis dan pedas. Sekali goreng 1 kantong, bisa dalam 1 hari abis. Benaran gak bisa berhenti sekali makan.

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Nesia Kerupuk Kentang Manis Pedas 200 gr Raw KrupukNesia Kerupuk Kentang Manis Pedas 200 gr

Availability: Only 3 left in stock

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